Sunday, January 9, 2011

Finish line...

So I recently just graduated from Animation Mentor. It was a crazy 18 months but I learned so much and met so many great people and had some of the best mentors anyone could hope for.. I am going to work hard to get to my goal, which is working on an animated feature and that's why I've started this to kind of keep me in check and to post any news worthy stuff that I find on the way. I will also be posting work in progress and keeping you up to date on my way to completing my goal.

So yet again thank you to everyone who helped me move through AM I would not have made it with out all of your help.


Here is my song of the day/night

This has been stuck in my head and helps me zone out when I'm animating.

Also I just finished reading.

This book was rather long and I've had it for awhile sitting around and every now and then I would read a chapter or two, but I am inspired by Walt. He did so much he really followed his dreams or made his dreams come true and he believed in everything he did and had a crazy ability to follow through and just get things done. I mean he had the idea of turning epcot into a future city which eventually became Celebration city and I never knew that and I lived right next to it and just thought nothing of it. Anyway, the book opened my eyes to how much you can get done if you believe in it... A good read that will take you a few months haha.

Well this has been a big first post. But many to come I promise, but for now I shall go.

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