Saturday, May 21, 2011


Animation News

Fes and I did another podcast for Force Versus Form and we covered how you get into roadblocks in your animation and ways to avoid them. We also had a special guest AM Alumni and currently in the Animals and Creatures course, Thomas Nguyen. We hope you enjoy!!!

ForceVersusForm Podcast #5


A short film by Astero Kid called "Galactic Mail". A fun and cool design to a interesting story.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Your it

So a brows and eye pass are all I got done today, I think the end doesnt feel right I'm thinking his eyes and brows should open on the word "COME" right now I have it at "ON" just having some troubles. I want to work on the hands at the end and the lipsync tomorrow and tighten up the brows and eyes again. Anyway here it is.

Animation News

So I did a sketch for The Rough Sketchers Blog this week's theme was Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers!! I am going to try and make it a habit and I think you should too,join up and start doing it. A weekly sketch to get you away from animating on the computer and trying new things. Sooo check it.

The Rough Sketchers

Music-Thought this was appropriate

Pixar short "Jack Jack Attack" the back story to what happened to the baby sitter while the family was gone.


Monday, May 16, 2011

HEATin up

Here's another pass finishing up notes but having trouble on hands and brows. Need to work on finishing up lip sync then going through again and polishing it up, I feel I am almost done I'm pushing for a Wednesday deadline but anyway here it is.

Animation News

A collection of the character designs for "RIO"

Rio Character Designs


Here is a short film called "Sumo Lake" by Greg Holfeld. I love these 2d shorts that have the paper just moving on the back and you can tell they just filmed it raw. Awesome stuff!!

Sumo Lake from Panic Productions on Vimeo.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lip Sync Part 2

So here is the last 50 frames of lip-sync. Worked on the jaw and the corners didn't really have a lot of time to work on the lips or the brows and eyes but I will work on that tomorrow and I also fixed a few notes in the beginning. Next will be fixing notes on the end and polishing anything else.

Animation News

A sneak peek at Pixar's next short "La Luna"

Pixar's next short film


Really cool short film by Anthony Holden called "Mashed"
