Most people know about this site as it's one of the popular one's but it is a library of great information and also check out
Right now they have a podcast featuring Jason Ryan who is an animator at Dreamworks and owner of
Also two cool blog drawing site's one from my friend Lamont Hunt.
And one from another pal Ameer Malkosh
Both are doing a drawing a day for a year and killing it, really makes me want to try this as well and I just might;)
Animation News done, now Jim Carrey being awesome!
What I be zoning out too.
So I tried my hand at claymation sculpting and well haha, I learned a bunch like defintley no clay eyes haha but I think I got a good grasp of most of it. Here are some pics also this is going to be a character from a stop motion film I'm going to TRY and do so enjoy!!

And finally my Progress of a mechanics shot. This is mostly just me trying to nail down a workflow and better my mechanics. But hope you like.
Well wow this was a lot of talking, but tomorrow i'll be back here with more goodness. Peace
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