Friday, September 16, 2011


Ok so I kind of put up a new Demo Reel just wanted to get something new on there so I put up the dog shot along with what I already had so check it here.


I put this dog walk cycle on there as is and I still have to do some fixes but yeah.

What's next??? Welllll I am going to clean up my dialogue shot for the face and I am also looking at probably doing a mechanics or cycle shot starting saturday, so I can get that done and send my reel to Arenanet... So wish me luck I'll post stuff on here as I go.


Forgot to say Me, Fes and Tom got to do a podcast interview with Wayne Gilbert!!!!! Awesome right, well when it gets posted I'll put up a link here.

Peace fo real

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Yep the 11 sec blog kicked my ass and I realized I was just going in circles and I was not going to finish so change of plan I am going to just finish the dog walk and polish up my dialogue shot then figure out my next shot. I feel like I do this a lot but things aren't clicking right now in my workflow and I can say that the little test made me figure out a bit of what I can fix so that's good.

So here is what I have of tonight trying to polish it up.



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yeah what

So nothing big trying to just kind of tie down and push some key poses on this test it's not anywhere where I want it but here ya go.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So I am getting ready to kick off a productive week with a Sunday deadline!!
I have decided to take part of the 11 Sec Club Blog it's just like the 11 sec club for acting only these are weekly tests that start on Monday and end on Monday.

Every week is a different theme and this week's theme is making a human walk like an animal. I am making him walk like a lizard and this is rough layout I didn't get around to the full blocking of keyposes like tomorrow I will but this will do. I want him to chill look around then run to one side stop look around then sneaky crawl to the other side and stop and blink a few times.. That's it and I don't really have this timed out it's just spread out for the sake of not having it on 1's.

Second thing I am working on is just a dog walk cycle I am working on the feet right now and I am kind of just going to be polishing everything up as I go, so here that is.

Will have more tomorrow now it's time to sleep


Saturday, May 28, 2011


BOOOM!!!! I'm back and this time for realzz. I lost motivation and just had trouble getting things going but I'm getting right back into it.

I will be posting my work as to log it here and keep me award that I need to post every day..

Tomorrow I will have two tests that I am currently working on and trying to finish by the end of the week one is a cycle and the other is for an awesome blog that my good pal Steven Holland showed me..

I will have more of those tomorrow and oh yeah check out my actual new website at Cloudymation


Saturday, May 21, 2011


Animation News

Fes and I did another podcast for Force Versus Form and we covered how you get into roadblocks in your animation and ways to avoid them. We also had a special guest AM Alumni and currently in the Animals and Creatures course, Thomas Nguyen. We hope you enjoy!!!

ForceVersusForm Podcast #5


A short film by Astero Kid called "Galactic Mail". A fun and cool design to a interesting story.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Your it

So a brows and eye pass are all I got done today, I think the end doesnt feel right I'm thinking his eyes and brows should open on the word "COME" right now I have it at "ON" just having some troubles. I want to work on the hands at the end and the lipsync tomorrow and tighten up the brows and eyes again. Anyway here it is.

Animation News

So I did a sketch for The Rough Sketchers Blog this week's theme was Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers!! I am going to try and make it a habit and I think you should too,join up and start doing it. A weekly sketch to get you away from animating on the computer and trying new things. Sooo check it.

The Rough Sketchers

Music-Thought this was appropriate

Pixar short "Jack Jack Attack" the back story to what happened to the baby sitter while the family was gone.


Monday, May 16, 2011

HEATin up

Here's another pass finishing up notes but having trouble on hands and brows. Need to work on finishing up lip sync then going through again and polishing it up, I feel I am almost done I'm pushing for a Wednesday deadline but anyway here it is.

Animation News

A collection of the character designs for "RIO"

Rio Character Designs


Here is a short film called "Sumo Lake" by Greg Holfeld. I love these 2d shorts that have the paper just moving on the back and you can tell they just filmed it raw. Awesome stuff!!

Sumo Lake from Panic Productions on Vimeo.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lip Sync Part 2

So here is the last 50 frames of lip-sync. Worked on the jaw and the corners didn't really have a lot of time to work on the lips or the brows and eyes but I will work on that tomorrow and I also fixed a few notes in the beginning. Next will be fixing notes on the end and polishing anything else.

Animation News

A sneak peek at Pixar's next short "La Luna"

Pixar's next short film


Really cool short film by Anthony Holden called "Mashed"


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lip Sync

Today I worked on Lipsync for the first 50 frames, I feel that it's a bit too much going on with the corners but I'll tone that down some. Tomorrow is going to be another 50 frames and polishing up some notes for the body.

Animation News

A post by Wayne Gilbert about why flexibility in the face is important? Good read!!

Wayne Gilbert's Tip


A short film by Natalie Wetzig called " 500 Days of Winter" Pretty cool and good music


Friday, May 13, 2011

Fresh Start

Alright so when I first started this blog I was posting updates of my own work, but then I just got lazy and stopped. Well a good friend of mine Daniel Harman has motivated me to start back up and treat it as an assignment, that every day I need to post my progress. So starting now there will be a new format in my post's and it will usually start with my shots progress and a little bit of news, I'm pretty excited about doing this and you can also follow Daniel at his blog where he is going to be doing the same thing.

So follow Daniel and his progress at Asher's Aniblog

And here is my shot's progress. I mostly worked on the body need to get into face and lip sync right now that shall be next.

Animation News

Willie Downs is an AM student who has started a project called "Animator Letters Project" what Willie want's to do is collect as many letters from professional animator's encouraging others to not give up and follow their dreams. I think it's a really great project and I thank Willie cause the letters he has received are really inspiring and when you may be feeling down on your work you can go to this site and just get recharged it's an awesome thing.

Check it Animator Letters Project


A short film by AM Alumni Christiaan Moleman called "Teddy" Beautifully done story and animation.


Monday, May 9, 2011


So I saw Thor the other day and I am not going to ruin it with spoilers, he dies. Just kidding :) Anyway I thought the movie was about 30 mins to long and not very action packed, Although it did have Natalie Portman which kept my attention to the screen and not the wall or the roof, I just felt like it missed opportunities for action. Best part in my mind were a few of the visual effects of the world's and the character Loki was awesome. But yeah enough about my review here is the good stuff!!

Animation News

A great post by Jim Brown about being stuck in animation and ways of getting out of that funk. A lot of it has helped me but I realized I haven't done some of the stuff since Animation Mentor, like to-do list are huge and they have helped me get on track every time. So check out his post really helpful.

Road Blocks and Forks in your Animation

A post from Kyle Kenworthy about his workflow and how it help him complete a shot in a day. Great read and really helpful.

Ken Kenworthy's Workflow


A short film by AM Alumni Brad Reiger. I am really happy I came across this a really great idea for a short and animated awesomely.

A short flim by Alexey Yansitov. Great animation and another great idea.


Saturday, April 30, 2011


Animation News

Here are some links I found over on and they are all about workflow from different animators. Really great info and definitely helpful to those like me who sometimes procrastinate.

Keith Seyer's Workflow tips

Justin Barrett's Workflow Tips


The new Harry Potter trailer came out and I am really excited to see this although I did see a few things that were not in the book. I'm wondering how they will incorporate them into the movie and TRY to make them work.

The new Transformers trailer is out as well, and I can say that I will be going to see it now because of whatever it is that is climbing up the side of that building and Bumblebee running on walls is awesome.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Miami Heat

Animation News

I've recently bookmarked Aaron Hartline's Blog called "The-Daily-Post-it" It's a collection of drawings on post it notes and it makes me wish I could draw more and more with every one I see. Bookmark this Now!!!!

The Daily Post It

Eric Lutha is coming out with another How to Cheat in Maya book and it's also featuring one of my mentor's Kenny Roy. The last book was amazing and helped me through a lot of problems I was having in just understanding certain part's of Maya and in my animation. I can't wait to get this and you should get it A.S.A.P!!!

How to Cheat in Maya 2012


A crazy look at Disney's Copy and Paste.

A short film by AM Alumni Laszlo Nyikos called "Amphora" A really great idea with awesome animation especially the fight scene, really great stuff.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Busy bee

Hello all, I am back. I was pretty busy with work and trying to meet deadlines but I should be alright and should get back to a normal posting schedule. A lot has happened since I last posted in the animation news and I will try and post as much as I can in this upcoming week to catch up. Movie update: I saw Blue Sky's "Rio" what a great job they did with this film. I mean story was great, it was funny, animation was great,and it had a great ending. Also the Ice Age Scrat short I posted awhile back as amazing on the big screen and I really love that character. But enough about me to the good stuff.

Animation News

My friend Faisal Naqvi and I did another podcast for Force Versus Form. This time we had our first guest-freelance animator Nicole Herr. She talks about how she got into the biz all the way to her last current job on "Green Lantern". Fes and I were very thankful that she took time out of her schedule to do the interview and she didn't disappoint. P.S. Also some great tips for all around animation!!

Force Versus Form Interview-Nicole Herr

A post by Josh Riley about deciding on acting choices and poses.

Deciding acting choices and poses


Director/Writer Kevin Tancharoen, has started the Mortal Kombat Legacy Webisode's and they are awesome. Here are the first two episodes, they are short but I can tell they are only going to get better.

An amazing lil short episode of "Batman" Directed by Isaak Fernandez. I love the look and just the feel of this I can't wait for the next one this is easily one of my favorites.

Batman Chapter One - Help Me!!! from Isaak Fernandez on Vimeo.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hey there

Animation News

A podcast from Animation Conversation about Tangled. I didn't listen to this yet but I will very soon.

Animation Conversation


A compilation of shots from all Pixar movies fan made from Leandro Braga. Awesome work gets you pumped up for some animating!!!

Mortal Kombat webisode episode 1. I am really upset this is only 12 minutes

Mortal Kombat Webisode


Saturday, April 2, 2011


Animation News

Check out this podcast started by Faisal Naqvi and Co-hosted by me. It's called Force Versus Form and it's basically a talk about animation from a students prospective. I already graduated from Animation Mentor and Fes is currently in class 5. We are going to try and cover as many topics as we can, like this weeks topic is "Planning" enjoy.

Force Versus Form Podcast


Tim Burtons first stop motion short called "Vincent". Reminds me of Edward Scissor Hands and his style is just awesome.

A short film by AM alumni Gonzalo Andres Toso called "CannonBall Man". Really cartoony feel to it and a funny ending.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Animation News

A great tool for sketching it shows images of animals and humans at a speed of your choice. Great for sketching!! And thanks to Bryan Timmins for showing this.

Drawing Gestures


A short film by AM Alumni Ziv Kitlaro called "Apprehension". I remember seeing this when I first started AM it was featured in one of the newsletters and I really liked the story and great timing in the animation.

A short film by Trexel Animation called "Copia A". This short has a great story and the fact that they made this on spare time really makes me want to do something like this.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Animation News

A site with a bunch of tips and news about animation.

Animation Forum


A short film from David Weinstein and crew called "Azureus Rising". Thanks to Tom Nguyen showing me this, it has really great animation and awesome cinematic shots.

A Gobelins short called "Voodoo". It's these shorts that make me wish I could draw and also it has a great story really love watching these shorts.


Monday, March 28, 2011


Animation News

A first look at one of Pixar's next films called "Brave" from the concept art it kind of feels like Zelda I wonder how they will pull this one off.

A look at Pixar's "Brave"


A short film by Chris Burton called "The light at the end".A very cool story and Chris is also self-taught in animation, which makes this even more impressive.

Another look at Portal 2.. I really can't wait for this to come out it looks like it could be game of the year....Maybe?


Sunday, March 27, 2011


Animation News

A great interview with Anders Beer who was the supervising animator on "Paul".

Anders Beer Interview


Second trailer for "Hop" A great look at more of the animation and of the characters.

An awesome short film by AM Alumni Dan Carey called "Shower Power". Funny story and great animation. Also this made it into last year's Animation Mentor showcase.


Friday, March 25, 2011


Animation News

Podcast with Richard Baneham who was the animation director on Avatar.

Avatar Podcast


Another Patrick Boivin stop motion called "Jazz with a General Problem". Michael Bay take note Transformer dance off.

I really like PES and his short films. Here is one called "Fireworks".


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Animation News

A blog started by Wouter Tulp with great tips that he has learned about drawing and painting.



A short short from Birdbox Studio's called "UFO".

Another Birdbox short this one is called "Guard".


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Animation News

Trailer for Mr Popper's Penguins. Looks awesome congrats to all the AM crew working on it.

Mr Popper's Penguins by teasertrailer


A short film by AM Alumni Luis Carlos Uribe called " Go To Sleep".


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Animation Mentor

A post from Jim Brown about what makes a good animator.

What makes a good animator?


A crazy short from Ruairi Robinson called "Blinky".

Blinky™ from Ruairi Robinson on Vimeo.

Staying with robots another trailer for Portal 2.


Monday, March 21, 2011


Animation News

Twenty video's of Richard Williams work and interviews.

Richard Williams Library


A short film from Ornana Films called "(Notes on) Biology".

(notes on) biology from ornana films on Vimeo.

A short film from a lot of people called "Extract of Rubika".


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Buh dum tiss

Animation News

Very cool look at the analysis of Fantastic Mr Fox.

Analyizing Mr Fox


Behind the scene's of Rango's E-Motion capture.

A preview of AM Alumni Malcon Pierce's short film called "Love Blows".


Saturday, March 19, 2011

15 Days

Animation News

Podcast with director Mike Mitchell and head of story Walt Dohrn from Shrek's Forever After.

Shrek Forever After Podcast


New trailer for "Portal 2"

A short film by AM Alumni Luke Randall called "Reach".


Friday, March 18, 2011

Speak of the Devil

Animation News

A post about how to accept critique's on your work.

Receiving Critique's


A full episode of Batman the animated series. Episode "Heart of Ice".

A short film by AM Alumni Frank Abney called "Head Over Heels".


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Animation News

Mike Gasaway answering a question about what's the most important animation tool he uses.

Mike Gasaway Tip


Here is a teaser to my friend Mitch's film coming out in November.

Dunk of the year.

A short film by Javier Lopez-Duprey called "Trigger Happy".


Say whatttttt

Animation News

IGN goes inside Pixar.

R.I.P. Nate Dogg

Milt Kahl pencil test.

Pixar's short film "Day & Night".


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Animation News

Post from Andrew Gordon about Character Development.

Character Development

Bunch of flour sack reference.

Flour Sack Reference


Smurf's Trailer.

A short film by AM Alumni Keith Ribbons called "The Commuter".


Thursday, March 10, 2011


I will be going away for the weekend but I'll be back Monday to start up again!!

Animation News

Clip from Blue Sky's "Rio".

Batman Arkham City Trailer.

Team Fortress 2 Meet The Demo Man.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cha chang chang

Animation News

Podcast with the animation director of "Rango" Hal Hickel.

Rango Podcast


The Fantastic Mr Star Fox.

Behind the scene of "Rango".


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fan up

Animation News

Awesome Slo-Mo eye reference.

Eye Reference

Carlos Baena about like as a professional animator.

Life as a animator


Great stop motion short from Kirsten Lepore called "Bottle".

A short from Aidan Gibbons called "Piano" awesome story.


Monday, March 7, 2011


Animation News

I got two tips from Ray Chas, first one is about creating affective key poses.

Ray Chase Tip #1

Second tip is about the importance of clean blocking.

Ray Chase Tip #2


Awesome Gobelins animation called "Nano".

Patrick Boivin killin it with "AT-AT Day Afternoon".


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Trials HD

Animation News

What Monsters Inc may have been.

Monsters Inc?

Some Workflow tips from Ken Music.

Ken Music's Tips


A cool short called "Backwards" from Aaron Hughes.

A short film from Rodrigo Blaas called "Alma" I heard they were going to turn this into a feature, that would be pretty cool.


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Animation News

A post about which animation principle is the most important?

Most Important Principle


A teaser of Toy Story's "Hawaii Vacation".

A shortfilm made by a lot of people it's called "Drawing Inspiration".

Drawing Inspiration from Wesley Louis on Vimeo.


Friday, March 4, 2011


Yep Rango saw it, loved it, go see it cause it ruled.

Animation News

Tip about Snappy Animation.

Snappy Animation


Pixar short "For The Birds"

A lil funny animation from Pierre Coffin.


Thursday, March 3, 2011


Animation News

Glen Keane Drawings

Glen Keane


Smallest stop motion movie "DOT" from Sumo Science.

Another look at "RANGO" a couple clips plus behind the scenes.


50 Posts!!!!

Animation News

A post with articles about eyes in acting.

About Eyes


Short film from Gobelins called "Cocotte Minute" I am not sure who animated this or if it was a group project but it's really good.

A short film from James Lee called "Tarboy" Flash animation looks awesome and a great story.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Animation News

Post by David Breaux about How fast your expected to be as a junior animator.

Junior Animator Expectations

Storyboards and designs from "Bee Movie" pretty amazing artwork.

Designs of Bee Movie


Here was last years Animation Mentor Showcase Reel.

Awesome 6 minute preview of "Rango" I'll be seeing this Friday fo sho.

Rango - Zes Minuten Uit De Film! - 2 maart in de zalen
Uploaded by WTBBelgium. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.


Monday, February 28, 2011


Animation News

More Acting Reference.

Acting Reference Part 3

David Martinez posts 2 videos of Pixar animators working on Toy Story 3.

Pixar Animators at Work


This is one of the 3 Ken's dating tips one of my favorite characters in TS3.

Making of "The Gruffalo".



Animation News

YouAnimator interviews Seth Hippen animator at Sony pictures.

Seth Hippen Interview

A whole bunch of videos about making the design of Megamind.

Art of Megamind


Cars 2 New trailer.

A short film by AM Alumni Sianoosh Nasiriziba called "The Nick" I remember seeing this for the first time and I was like how'd he do that with the camera?


Saturday, February 26, 2011

There is no try

Animation News

Some more acting reference.

Acting Reference 2

Tips on keeping your skills sharp.

Staying Sharp


A PES short called "Western Spaghetti"

Awesome animation of Team Fortress dancing.


Do or do not

Animation News

A post about Tex Avery and his gags also there is a link on here that takes you to some videos of the gags. Great stuff.

Tex Avery Gags


"What's this" from A Nightmare Before Christmas, one of my favorites.

A short film by Guillaume Chartier called "Laundry Day" I can't even describe how this short film is but it's a must watch.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Bullet Storm

Animation News

Just got this it's called Bullet Storm and it's from Epic games. So far It's pretty cool I like some stuff abotu it but already through the first two campaign levels it's pretty repetitive and boring and the language is like every other word is fuck and not that I hate hearing or against cursing but hearing anything over and over will annoy you. Anyway here is the trailer.

A post from Shawn Kelly about how to animate creature animation.

Animate Creatures

Music-This song will get stuck in your head.

One of the best Always Sunny clips.

Here is Shane Acker's "9" The short that ended up being turned into a full length feature.


Thursday, February 24, 2011


Animation News

A post about combining multiple ideas into a shot.

Mulitple Ideas


A short film that was made by Snowball Studios to be like a video game cinematic trailer. I wonder how the in-game stuff would have looked like oh well it looks pretty cool.

A short film by AM Alumni Dan Segarra called "Sheep" Nice story and the sheep is awesome.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Animation News

A post from Travis Tohill about what separates the good animator from the bad one.



This is old but It's pretty awesome. Steven Spielberg talking about animators.

A short film by AM Alumni Joseph Kim called "Balloon" Great facial acting.


Monday, February 21, 2011


Animation News

A post by Carlos Baena about Internal/External Dialogue.

Internal/External Dialogue


A interview with Pixar's Andrew Stanton.

A short film by AM Alumni Eric Luhta called "Prospective Student" very well animated.



Animation News

Here is a great post about the importance of poses.

Importance of poses


A interview with Pixar's Pete Docter.

A short film by AM Alumni Tom Lubanovic called "Call of the Wildman" Great animation and story.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


Getting going with blocking right now I know I keep saying this but things keep happening and I have been procrastinating a lot but it feels good things are clicking and I'm happy for that and now here is my daily findings.

Animation News

A great post by Eric Fortune about Tips and Tricks on keeping a balanced life.

Balancing your life

A commencement speech by Pixar animator Aaron Hartline. I really like listening to Aaron talk he is one of the nicest and humblest people I have heard speak about animation his journey inspires me to do great things.

Aaron Hartline Speech


Check out this trailer for the game "Dead Island" from Techland really one of the best trailers I've seen ever for a video game. Thanks to Colby for showing me this.

A short by AM Alumni Martin Kirkhaug called "Forever Young" Great funny story.


Blame it on the

Animation News

Interview at CTN Expo with Bobby Beck and Carlos Baena, it's a little look at how they started in animation and how and why they started Animation Mentor. Thanks Ron for showing me this.


Here's a short film by The Animation Workshop called "The Saga Of Biorn" I love the way it looks and the story is just awesome.

A short film by AM Alumni Ryan Glovka called "Jewel of Denial" Awesome work.


Friday, February 18, 2011


Animation News

They just released photo's of Guillermo Del Toro's 3D stop-motion version of "Pinnochio" and it looks amazing I can't wait.

Guillermo's Pinnochio


A look back at some CG character history

A short film by AM Alumni Gabor Lendvai called "Black and White" Pretty awesome ending.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Food Poisoning

Yepp last night was one of the worse nights I've had in awhile since my puking record has been like 7 years from last night I broke that one like a champ and I was super sick and just ended up passing out. I feel much better now and I will update this because last night I was out of commission.

Animation News

Here are two posts by Pixar's Carlos Baena first one is about gesture choice's and the second is about getting details in your animation.

Gesture Choices

Adding Details

Music. I can't stop listening to this band

A short film by Ted Wilson called "Sweet Tooth" Funny and I love 2d so win win.

A short film by AM Alumni Arne Kaupang called "World Record" Awesome Animation.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Animation News

Mike Stern's Animation Checklist

Animation Checklist

Another checklist this time from Raquel Rabbit

Another Checklist


Amazing Lion King tests.

A short film by AM Mentor and Alumni Mario Pochat called "Bye-Bye" I had seen this once before but had no idea he was an Alumni and now a Mentor soo cool.




Animation News

A post about "Five things to do with your ideas" helps you start and finish an idea.

Five ways to bring ideas to life

Music-Best video ever

I guess this movie isn't going down but they did a test shot for it, I'm talking about Thundercats ooooooooooooooo

A short film by AM Alumni Jess Morris called "Maid to Haunt" Great story.


Sunday, February 13, 2011


Animation News

A great post with lots of acting reference from movies.

Acting Reference

Music and I'm stoked that they won a Grammy for best album.

A short from Carlos Fernandez Puertolas called "Bath Time"

A short from AM Alumni Emanuel Amler called "The Date" Great Acting.


Saturday, February 12, 2011


Animation News

One of my favorite scenes from Tangled.

My favorite Pixar short "Partly Cloudy"


One of the funniest shorts I've seen it's called "Saturday afternoon fever" and it's from Jeremy Brown.

A short film by AM Alumni Nathan Glemboski called "Sweep" Great acting.



Animation News

A great post by Tracy Butler on tips for facial expressions.

Facial Expressions


A great Goofy short called "Motor Mania" just amazing stuff.

Another great short film by AM Alumni Hichem Arfaoui "Supermarket Fever" One of the best.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


So today is pretty awesome they released the X-Men first class trailer it looks pretty good but I'm wondering how they will handle the story and pray that it will be better then Wolverine Origins..So here's the trailer and then followed by some news.

Animation News

Went back into SplineDoctors archive's and found this Richard Williams podcast.

Richard Williams Podcast

Check out the first two minutes from Blue Sky's "Rio"

<a href="" target="_new" title="'Rio': Film's First Two Minutes">Video: 'Rio': Film's First Two Minutes</a>


Here is a teaser for "I'm a Monster" from Headless Productions.

A short film by AM Alumni Alli Sadegiani called "Greed" Great concept and the animation is pretty sweet especially at the end.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Video ref in the can now blocking time!!

Animation News

Check out this post by Pixar animator Victor Navone about animating limited characters.

Animating limited characters

Another post from a Pixar animator Andrew Gordon this one about the value of planning your animation.

Value of Planning

An awesome blog called "The Rough Sketchers" started by a few of my AM Alumni buds and every week they choose a theme and you can draw and post it for each week. Can't wait to see everyone's work.

The Rough Sketchers Blog


The new trailer for "Hop" It looks pretty sweet animation wise and I want to give out props to the AM Alumni who worked on this. Job well done.

A short film by AM Alumni Steven Hughes called "The Icarus Effect" Cool story and it looks awesome.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Animation News

A post by Pixar animator Carlos Baena about Micro-movements.


A post by Mike Gasaway director of "Planet Sheen" on Nickelodeon. His post is about the mechanics of a walk.

Mechanics of a walk


This is making the rounds it's called "Superman classic" and it's from Robb Pratt and he has taken the best of superman and made an awesome 2d short.

A short film by AM Alumni Gabriel Prezoto called "Land in Sight" A funny musical short and a great look to it.


Monday, February 7, 2011


So I am half way through this show Prison Break that is now on Netflix and I'm trying to fill that hole that LOST left in the way that is my ability to watch a TV show, it sort of works but I really just want to see them escape and be on the run and see when the show just becomes boring because they made 5 season's and I'm sure at some point there is going to be that "Come on really?" moment so til then we will see but I am also keeping busy with some recent animation purchases like Tarzan,Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry. I still want to get Hunchback of Notre Dame and Lion King those are next...But anyway here are some cool things.

Animation News

Another post about Workflow this time from Aaron Gilman who recently was Senior Animator on "Avatar" It's another great look on how to improve your workflow and I'm always looking at how to change or incorporate something into my own workflow. So check it.

Improving Workflow

Flooby Nooby has a 3 part interview with the amazing Chuck Jones each part is an hour long.

Chuck Jones Interview


Coke commercial that aired during the Superbowl it was made by Framestore and it's really epic

A short film by AM Alumni Liz Bernard called "The Accidental Nudist" it is funny at all the right moments.


Sunday, February 6, 2011


I really can't wait til April so I can send out my reel and hopefully get a job in LA. But yeah the good stuff.

Animation News

A great post about self confidence in your animation, also Francis Jasmin's blog has many more great info check it.

Self-Confidence in your Animation

Living Lines Library has some great Tarzan storyboards and also they have many other sketches from Tarzan

Tarzan Storyboards


Stop motion film from "PES" called "Game Over".

Here is a short film by AM Alumni Ales Mav. It's called "Daphne's New Broom" It has some awesome pantomime acting and a great look to it.



I almost turned in before I updated this so a quick update.

Roger Rabbit 2 screen test from back in the late 90's

Animation News

Check out Pencil Test Depot it has awesome video's of 2d animation and they just added Glen Keane flipping a scene from "Aladdin"

Pencil Test Depot


One of my mentor's showed me this Ratatouille test and it was to show how much you can achieve from working within a pose.. Enjoy!!

Here is a short film from AM Alumni David Rodriguez. Great story and great animation.


Saturday, February 5, 2011


So tired I've just been busy planning and trying out new shot's plan is to have two shot's done by mid April and right now it's going alright just again in that part where I'm over thinking things but I need to start posting on AM and get feedback so I think tomorrow I will do that. But yeah time for the good stuff.

Animation News

Check out the 11 Sec Club it is an animation contest usually of a dialogue piece or a sound bite from a movie and they have a new clip at the start of every month. The winner is chosen and voted by other members of 11 Sec Club and they win a video critique from an AM Mentor it is a great competition to enter and will keep you busy.

11 Second Club

Ton's of updates and links on everything animation.

Music not sure if I posted this but blah whatever

This stop motion film was made by Donald Faison who is better known as "Turk" from the show Scrubs. I believe it was his first stop motion film but he already has a sequel to this one so check out "Black Stormtrooper"

This short film is from AM Alumni Rok Andic.. I love the character and how the apartment is designed it's really cool and also great animation, so check out "Rhapsody with James"


Friday, February 4, 2011


I feel pretty good today I feel like things are falling into place but now I've got to find a good dialogue to start on I am narrowing down selections and I need to start shooting vid ref and planning should be fun. But let's get to the good stuff

Animation News

I'm pretty sure that this blog is run by someone else not Glen Keane but it is still amazing it has all of his sketches and many of his drawings from past films it's amazing

The Art of Glen Keane

Blog from Bobby Boom Beck the Owner/Founder of and he has some great posts all about animation goodness and also the business side of things

Bobby Beck's Blog


Here is a pretty cool turntable of one of the characters "Carla Veloso from Pixar's Cars 2..It's a pretty cool teaser of the rig and a nice little test.

Also check out this game called "Brink" The trailer is amazing and I have watched gameplay and I can tell you I will be buying it for sure. It's being made by a company called "Splash Damage" and I have heard that "Blizzard" did the trailer I'm not all that sure about that but anyway here it is.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Getting going

I have started a new pantomime shot and should have a blocking pass up here hopefully tomorrow or the next day but I will for sure have something on one of those days..Pretty excited to be animating again I feel a bit rusty but it's all good just got to get back into the feel of things I am planning on having this shot done by the end of this month and I might also start up a dialogue shot on the side or another pantomime so we shall see..But anyway that's my update here is the good stuff.

Animation News

Here is a podcast from Tomm Moore and he is the company director of Cartoon Saloon They mostly do TV and Commercial's but recently they did "The Secret of Kelis" Which is currently on Netflix.. So have a listen Tomm Moore Podcast

Also another podcast from Animation Conversation This time with Keith Seyer who has worked at tons of studio's but is currently working on tutorial's for more info on that check his blog at Keith Lango's Blog But check out his podcast here Keith Lango Podcast

Music.....This is from a stop motion video it's sick check below to find it

I just spent like 30 mins watching all of this guy's stop motion videos, his name is Patrick Boivin and he has tons of awesome work like this one is just epic. Bruce Lee vs Iron man

Also check out AM Alumni Margherita Premuroso's short"Paper Plane" Just amazing

Paper Plane from Margherita Premuroso on Vimeo.


On the hunt

I've been spending a lot maybe to much time searching for dialogue for a new shot but I need to jump into my library of movies instead of searching youtube, I also need to not be so picky and just do a test of someone just saying like "Hey what's up?" But I will pick one shortly I'm sure. I also have 3 pantomime ideas I want to do and I am going to shoot video reference for those 3 tomorrow and see which one I like more I might just do all of them I mean why not right? Anyway let's kick this off.

Animation News

Animation Mentor has past webinars on a bunch of topic's still available on their site check it out!!
Animation Mentor Webinars

Check out Kevin Freeman talk about how changing your workflow can improve your animation
Kevin Freeman's Workflow Tips


Here is a great short called "Invention of Love"

Check out AM Alumni Daniel Klug's short film "Les Dangereux"

Les Dangereux from Daniel Klug on Vimeo.


Monday, January 31, 2011

The Graduate

So I am back from San Fran and I am now officially an Alumni/Graduate of Animation Mentor. I got to meet some great people and have some good times,I just had an awesome trip. I really can't wait to move out to LA and just be around all those people again and hopefully i'll be there for the bbq this summer.. I have been saying this a lot but I do mean it I want to thank all my Mentor's,everyone at Animation Mentor and all my fellow student's who helped me accomplish this goal of mine. Congrats to you guys and gals as well it was crazy but we did it!!

Now some Animation News

This is a teaser to an upcoming Sixbirds film called "No Pets Allowed" I really like the look of it

NO PETS ALLOWED (Animation feature film) from Josep Pozo on Vimeo.

Glen Keane drawing Rapunzel from Tangled without even trying.. How I wish I could draw like this guy

Thanks to Jim Donovan for mentioning this short made by AM Alumni Bobby Pontillas it is amazingly funny and if you want to check out more of Bobby's check out his blog Bobby Pontilla's Blog but now here's the short

News update about me

I have been really inspired and pumped up to animate so I am planning two shot's one dialogue and one pantomime right now and shall post progress as soon as I have it promise.


I leave you with Victor Navone's "Alien song"


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Well this will be my last post for the weekend I am flying to San fran in a few hours for graduation and won't have a computer but I'll be back on Monday to start back up again can't wait to see euurrbody but I am still going to leave you with some goodness.

Animation News

More free rigs!!

3d buzz

Pose maniac is a site that gives you a time limit to work on full body gesture drawings.


I leave you with Mike Stern's short "Distraxion"

See you Monday!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today I have been getting ready for San fran, it's going to be pretty sweet. I get to meet and party with everyone that I have not had the chance to meet in person for over a year and some change. Can't wait to see everyone!! Now the good stuff.

Animation News

Animation Buffet has tons of free Maya rigs and also has some cool quadruped rigs

Animation Buffet

Check out AM Alumni Leon Gitten's as he does 100,000 drawing's for the year!!

Leon Gitten's Blog


I'm pretty upset that they took down the coyote/road runner shorts that I posted yesterday, so sorry about that. But I leave you with these.

Short from Blur studio "Gopher Broke"

Another awesome Gobelins short "Oktapodi"


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


After work I decided to go buy some movies I got Ratatouille,Looney Tunes Vol 1 and Tom and Jerry Vol 1. I am pretty stoked to watch the Looney Tunes and frame by frame the action same goes for the other two movies should be fun to watch and also informative. Now for more good stuff!!

Animation News

Blog overload.

First off Victor Navone's Blog always filled with cool links and great info

Victor Navone's Blog

Aaron Hartline's Blog. He posted his reel from the movie Robots and it's amazing

Aaron Hartline's Blog

Check out Kenny Roy's website. It has great links and info he also offer's a membership that gives you weekly tips and pre-recorded lectures.


I leave you with 2 of the awesome Coyote & Road Runner short's

Road Runner - Coyote Falls 2010 from Animation-HD on Vimeo.

Road Runner - Fur Of Flying from Animation-HD on Vimeo.
